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March 24, 2025
Diningware Upgrade!
This year we are changing how we do utensils and cups at the event!
In an effort to cut down on waste, and improve the aesthetic of the game, we will no longer be handing out the copper cups and using disposable utensils at each event!
Instead, players will receive a medieval wooden cup and one hand forged metal utensil set (spoon and fork) for free at their first three-day event, (whether that be War of the Barons, Weekend Warrior or The Hearthlands) after which the player will be responsible for bringing back their utensils and cups to each following event.
This is a substantial investment we are making to make the event more immersive and to reduce waste! Making this happen is going to be a team effort, and we will need your help and honesty to make sure it works! We have faith in our players and hope this will be another way we can all work together to create a better experience.
This update will remove the need for you to return the items at the end of the event, and will give you the chance to use them throughout the year on all of your other adventures! It will also significantly decrease the waste the event produces, while increasing the immersive aesthetic. If you happen to lose or forget your cup or utensils, we will have a limited stock for sale in the shop tent.
Once you get your cup, we highly recommend you customizing it by adding a strip of linen, painting a design on the outside, or writing your name on the bottom - that way, it won’t get mixed up with other players’ cups.
March 24, 2025
Ticket Sales Dates!
Folk of Adrasil,
Mark your calendars!
Tickets for Weekend Warrior 2025 will go on sale to veteran players May 1, 2025, and will open to the public on June 1, 2025.
Please keep in mind that tickets are non-refundable.
March 24, 2025
Shower Update
Folk of Adrasil,
In an effort to maintain ticket prices within a volatile market, and to wisely use our budget, we have decided not to offer shower trailers at this year’s even. As many of you know, War of the Barons has gone two years without shower trailers, and that has worked out just fine. Those who wish to bathe during the event can either stay off site or connect with friends who are. Please keep this in mind as you plan on where you want to stay this year!
As always, please check out our packing list for essential personal care items (did we mention deodorant?).
February 28, 2025
Friday Festivities Update
Folk of Adrasil,
As we look towards our NINTH event this October, we are continuing to consider how to run the event in as fun and engaging a manner as possible.
Several years ago we created the in-game event “Night of the Unseen” when the event was held over Halloween. While we have continued to have that event as a low-key part of Friday night, we are officially moving away from that this year (2025).
As the factions grow, each has introduced unique and engaging ways of bringing players into the faction and world on Friday night, so we are going to shift our focus to faction-wide festivities rather than an event-wide festivities. These will look different from faction to faction, and could be as simple as promotion ceremony or as complex as a religious ceremony. If you need any information beforehand, your faction leaders will make sure you receive it.
Many of the above events will still require slightly more formal kit, and may even include the chance to wear the masks you may have already for Night of the Unseen. As usual, festival gear and kit will need to be approved via the normal method: by emailing your faction email (see below).
We have loved watching you invest in your faction culture, and look forward to continue working with your faction leaders to make each year one in which the different cultures feel more real and wonderful.
Emails for kit approval:
Kingsmen: kingsmen@weekendwarriorexperience.com
Hearth-Guard: contact@hearthlandsevent.com
Rangers: rangers@weekendwarriorexperience.com
Sea Lords: sealords@weekendwarriorexperience.com
Themisians: contact@weekendwarriorexperience.com
Wold Folk: woldfolk@weekendwarriorexperience.com
The Order: contact@weekendwarriorexperience.com
September 20, 2023
Updated Alcohol Policy
Folk of Adrasil,
This year we are updating our policy at The Weekend Warrior Experience regarding alcohol at the event.
In the past, we have allowed players to bring their own alcohol in addition to purchasing it on-site. However, due to changes in our insurance coverage and the changes in South Carolina state legislation regarding alcohol, we are no longer able to allow players to bring their own alcohol. In fact, the insurance situation has gotten to such a point that for the last few months, we feared we would have to host Weekend Warrior without any alcohol at all.
However, thanks to the diligent work of our team and a third-party bartending service, we are overjoyed to be able to continue the wonderful tradition of serving drinks at the Tavern in the evening on Friday & Saturday. So please be advised that starting this year, outside alcohol is no longer permitted on site and all alcohol needs to be purchased in the tavern from our official certified bartenders. We will be offering two beers from 13 Stripes Brewery as well as Ship’s Wheel cider - all brewed here locally in South Carolina!
Thank you for your continued patience as we endeavor to navigate the changing legal and liability situation here in SC. We will keep you updated if there are any changes in the future!
May 30, 2023
New Healer and Medic Rules for 2023!
Folk of Adrasil,
With the addition of the two new factions this year (Themisians and Wold Folk), we are updating the healer and medic roles!
In 2023, the following factions will only be allowed to have healers (i.e. they will not be allowed to have medics):
Sea Lords
Wold Folk
The following factions are allowed to have medics, but will not be allowed to have healers:
The Order of Luminos
The Themisians
Healers who are allied to The Order and The Themisians may heal members of these factions, and the medics in these two factions may heal their allied faction members. However, these are the only exceptions - faction healers can, in general, only heal members of their own factions (not their allies, with the exception above).
For example: if The Order is currently allied with the Wold Folk, an Order member may use a medic bandage on a member of the Wold Folk, or a Wold Folk healer can heal a member of The Order. However, if the Wold Folk are allied with the Kingsmen, a Wold Folk healer may not heal a Kingsmen player (and vice versa).
In addition, the Healers Guild is cooking up some really exciting new quests, rituals, and more for the healers this year! So make sure you find the healers tent in-game (located near The Hay Barn), and introduce yourself to the Guild Leaders! More information about the Healers Guild will soon be available via the Education in Adrasil page!
May 25, 2023
Announcing the Player-Run Marketplace!
Folk of Adrasil,
This year we are excited to announce the beginning of the Player-Run Marketplace! This will be a neutral area set up near The Hay Barn. In the marketplace, only trade is sovereign! Anyone is welcome to trade their wares: whether a craft, a baked good, teas, spices, kit items, and more. No currency may be used in trades (either in-game or out-of-game currency) - this is a barter-only trade location. If you wish to sell your wares for real currency, you can sign up as an official vendor.
In addition, anyone who wishes to trade in the marketplace must abide by the following rules and code of conduct:
1. This is a community created market: none of the sellers are official F&F or WW vendors.
2. Players can only bring trade items to an amount that can be carried on their persons. Wares must fit in a medium sized chest, or else be able to be carried on your person (held in hands or in bags you can carry yourself without assistance). Remember, we are an army on the move - so you have to lug around whatever you bring!
3. All items must fit within the rules for in-game items: i.e., they must be approved by a faction leader, and that approval email should be printed out and showed to Mandie Lembeck - the player who will be the POC for the market. All packaging must also fit the in-game aesthetic: i.e., no plastic bags etc. (unless those plastic bags are completely concealed in larger in-game bags).
4. All items must fit within the allowed items at the event: i.e., no illegal substances, fireworks, firearms, weapons, drugs, etc. Baked goods are allowed, but remember that you are taking full responsibility for consuming any baked goods or other consumables!
5. All furnishings for shop "stalls" (i.e. small sword rack or rug on which to place your chest) or small tables etc. must be approved by a faction leader. This email will also need to be printed out and shown to Mandie Lembeck.
6. Players must abide by the rules of common decency and avoid cheating or scamming with their trades. While we encourage haggling and making bargains, please keep within the spirit of Weekend Warrior and encourage courtesy and respect for all. You may only trade items you actually own - you cannot make bargains with other people’s goods. Breaking any of these rules will result in immediate dismissal from the marketplace.
7. All trading within the marketplace is for “keeps” - i.e., these items will be yours once traded, and will not be returned to staff after the event (like bloodcoin).
8. It is possible to trade information, in-game texts, or other such goods. However, the player wishing to trade information must actually have it, be able to trade it, and the buyer must agree to the trade in all good faith.
Some scenarios and examples for what we would love to see at the market:
Your character is a woodworker by trade. They have a few small wooden items (bowls, plates, etc.) that they carry with them in a canvas bag to barter for other goods necessary for a soldier on the march.
Your character has a background in travel - they have brought along some trinkets from distant lands (brooches, a feather pen, necklaces, a set of iron cutlery etc.) which they hope to barter for a warm blanket, a cup, or other useful items.
Your character loves collecting items from different cultures and studying them. You are searching for a necklace from the Wold Folk for your collection, and plan to bring along a few old Sea Lord necklaces in exchange.
Obviously, the above are just ideas. If you have any questions, please email weekendwarrior@fellandfair.com!
See you at the market!
September 27, 2022
Night of the Unseen is returning in 2022!
In the early years of the Kingdom of Olaran, the not-so-distant terror of the Dark Elves still lingered. Before men were free in their own kingdom, they were subject one night a year to unspeakable terror as the Dark Elves used them for their cruel rituals. Thus, it has become tradition to hide one’s face if wandering abroad on this evening - lest you be identified as human, and a possible victim. Centuries later the fear of the Dark Elves had faded but the tradition lives on. Rather than fear and pain, The Night of the Unseen is now a kingdom-wide holiday celebrating the freedom to roam the night. The traditions of wearing masks (over the upper face/eyes) is still kept up by many although they are meant more to show one’s status and enthusiasm for the festivities. The holiday is held sacred by the salt gods, the old gods, and the priests of Luminos, and is still celebrated in the three realms that split from old Olaran.
Players are encouraged to acquire a Venetian style-masquerade mask, for the festivities on Friday night, October 21. They should appear to be made of natural materials such as fabric, leather, plaster or metal. Likewise, players are encouraged to wear their finer kit items to celebrate the festivities. Remember, we are an army on the march, not a camp full of courtiers, so kit items should appropriately reflect your character.
As with all kit items, they should be approved by your faction leadership (see emails below).
May 31, 2022
Weekend Warrior Tickets are live on June 1 at 12:30 am!
Head to our “Tickets” section to purchase your ticket for our fully immersive event on October 21-23 in Taylors, South Carolina!
February 1, 2022
Training Grounds 2022 Tickets are live!
Head to our “Tickets” section to purchase your ticket for our immersive, mini event on Saturday, March 26th in Williamston, South Carolina!
January 22, 2022
Training Grounds 2022!
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a single day “mini event” on Saturday, March 26th in Williamston, South Carolina.
Weekend Warrior: Training Grounds will be a mostly-immersive event based around your character being sent to a training camp to increase their combat skills. This will be a great event for returning players looking to enhance their skill set, or for new or potential players looking to test the waters and get a feel for what combat at Weekend Warrior is like.
The Event will run from 9am to 6pm with a 1-hour lunch break.
Unlike our main Weekend Warrior event, Training Grounds will be less story driven and more skills based. We will focus on training and exposure to a variety of weapons in the morning and will teach and practice battle tactics in the afternoon. However, while at the event we will be in character, so prepare to learn how to play your role!
Meals will not be provided, but we will have a food truck on site for lunch.
Tickets will be $60. This covers admission only.
Camping will be available on-site for both Friday and Saturday night for the cost of $12 per person per night. Portable toilets will be available, but no showers or electricity.
For this one-day event, weapon rentals are free. Basic costume rentals will be $20 for the day.
All normal Weekend Warrior rules and policies apply.
Our hope is that many folks who are considering Weekend Warrior but are not ready to take the plunge will join us for a little taste of the event. We also expect there will be quite a few veteran players there to set an example for the new recruits!
Tickets go on sale February 1st, through the Weekend Warrior website.
December 6, 2021
Updated Healing Policy
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
In an effort to decrease the chances of healers and other noncombatants being accidentally targeted on the battlefield, we will be enacting the following two rules for this coming year:
Healers will be identified with either surgical aprons or white healer's hoods, which they are required to wear on the battlefield. The official “white” (natural) cloth used by healers can be found here. No players wearing these items may be attacked. They also receive a purple badge and gold pin from the Healers Guild upon arrival.
Any player who hits a noncombatant (including healers, but also including Heralds, photographers, etc.) with their weapon (ranged or hand-held) is required to “die” and lose all hit points and health points until they are revived by a healer or medic. In-game, this death is caused by the wrath of the gods against you for harming an innocent.
October 15, 2021
Updated COVID-19 Policy
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
The staff of Weekend Warrior have been monitoring the ongoing situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, and we would like to share the latest update on our policies for this year’s event.
Because the case numbers have fallen significantly over the last two weeks, and according to the CDC seem likely to continue this trajectory, we will not be requiring testing prior to the event. However, we highly recommend self-testing prior to the event as an additional precaution, and (as we did last year) we will require a waiver stating that you have not shown COVID symptoms or recently been in contact with anyone who was.
In addition:
We will be maintaining the same safety precautions we had at last year’s event (scroll down to see updates from last September and October).
We will continue to offer full refunds to players who cannot attend because of illness or exposure to COVID until the day of the event.
This year players will be eating with their factions, so the faction-bubble that was in place last year will be easier to maintain.
Thankfully the event is mostly outdoors, and even the covered area (Mead Hall) has a cross-shaped hallway that allows for maximum airflow and circulation.
As always, cloth masks are encouraged, and like all other kit pieces, must be approved by your faction leadership.
If you have any questions about our COVID policy, or about the event in general, please email contact@fellandfair.com or weekendwarrior@fellandfair.com
September 30th, 2021
COVID Update
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
The staff of Weekend Warrior have been monitoring the ongoing situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, and we would like to share the latest update on our policies for this year’s event.
Right now the numbers appear to be falling, but if we have learned anything it is that things can change very quickly. We will reconsider the situation in two weeks, and make changes if necessary. In the event that the situation continues to improve (as it did early this summer) we will continue to implement the policies below (and those from last year).
However, if the situation does not rapidly improve, or if it worsens, our next step, in order to add an extra level of safety, will be to ask players and staff alike to provide a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event. Most large events across the country are implementing, or have implemented, similar requirements.
Inexpensive and simple take-home tests can be found at many local pharmacies in addition to normal testing (which is free of charge for many people). We highly recommend this step regardless of whether or not it is a requirement. As we did last year, we will require a waiver stating that you have not shown COVID symptoms or recently been in contact with anyone who was.
In addition:
We will be maintaining the same safety precautions we had at last year’s event (scroll down to see updates from last September and October).
We will continue to offer full refunds to players who cannot attend because of illness or exposure to COVID until the day of the event.
This year players will be eating with their factions, so the faction-bubble that was in place last year will be easier to maintain.
Thankfully the event is almost entirely outdoors, and even the covered area (Mead Hall) has a cross-shaped hallway that allows for maximum airflow and circulation.
As always, cloth masks are encouraged, and like all other kit pieces, must be approved by your faction leadership (scroll down to see some ideas about making period-appropriate masks).
If you have any questions about our COVID policy, or about the event in general, please email contact@fellandfair.com or weekendwarrior@fellandfair.com
September 29th, 2021
New gameplay rules!
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
This year we are moving toward a more objective-based approach to our battles, and we are excited to share some of those details with you! We tested out some of these battle styles at Training Grounds this spring, and have come up with two styles of battle objectives we think you will love.
Retrieve the Banner: in this style of battle, the armies will fight each other force-to-force, seeking to break the other team’s line, slay their Banner-bearer, and retrieve their faction banner. Once the Banner-bearer is killed and the faction who killed them is in possession of their enemy’s banner, they must return it to a set location on their side of the battlefield.
If a Banner-bearer dies, one of the Banner-bearer’s teammates may pick up the banner, making them the new bearer.
The banner can only be retrieved by killing its bearer: you cannot physically pull the banner from the living bearer.
Bearers who die must allow the banner to fall, and not maintain their grasp once dead.
If an enemy has your banner and is on the way to returning it to their safe zone, they may be waylaid and killed, and the players may retrieve their banner and return it to their side.
Allied factions may help you return your banner to your safe zone.
“Betrayal” is not allowed: if you turn on your faction and surrender the banner to your enemies, it does not count towards your enemy’s score (and also that’s just super rude).
The banner may not be used as a weapon or shield. It must be held in at least one hand, and the Banner-bearer will have to use their other hand to hold their weapon and fight.
Gain the Objective: in this style of battle, the armies will fight each other over several fixed objectives. Each objective will be equipped with a banner pole and a small box of pennants in the various faction colors. Once the objective is taken (the enemy faction is all killed or driven off) the conquering faction must tie their banner to the flag. Once they have done so and raised the flag, a nearby Herald will start a 10-minute sandglass. Once the sand runs out, if the faction still remains in possession of the objective, then they receive points for their faction (to be noted down by the Herald).
If two allied factions take an objective together, they raise both pennants on the banner, and will split the points accrued by holding the objective.
If the hourglass is knocked over or otherwise disturbed during the fight, the Herald may yell “Stop Fight” and ensure the glass continues to count down.
The hourglass does not stop counting down until the current flag on the pole is replaced. So if you take an objective, be sure to remove your enemy’s flag at once!
Besides these objectives we will still have regular sparring in the fight pit, as well as the impromptu scuffles that occur between enemy factions who encounter each other throughout the weekend.
July 15th, 2021
General Admission tickets sold out!
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
Thank you for your wonderful response to this year’s call to arms! As of today General Admission tickets are sold out for the 2021 event.
If you attended in 2020 and were unable to acquire a ticket, please send us an email at contact@fellandfair.com.
If you are not a returning player from 2020 but are still interested in coming, please fill out the email form on the front page of the website to be notified if any tickets become available.
Please feel free to email with any questions,
July 15th, 2021
Ticket Number Update
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
Due to the high interest in this year’s event, we expect it to be our largest yet. Because of limited space, and our desire for the event to be of the highest quality, we have a cap for tickets. Although we have always had one, but never before have been this close to filling up, so thank you for your outpouring of support for the event!
As of today, we have around 40 tickets left.
Please feel free to email with any questions,
June 14th, 2021
New Updates to the Kit Approval Process!
Weekend Warriors and Healers,
We are excited to announce a change to the approval process for kit items! As we grow, we have realized that we need to streamline the way we approve kit items, both for your sakes and ours!
To that end, we are now turning the kit approval process over to the leadership team of each faction.
We have four new email addresses (one for each faction - The Order members will have items approved by weekendwarrior@fellandfair.com ).
Your faction command staff will be monitoring these emails, and all approval questions will be mediated by the executive team of Weekend Warrior. Any items that have already been approved or not approved this year will retain the status they already received.
We are also currently working on a pre-approved item list, as well as Pinterest boards with kit inspiration for each faction! We hope this will help you as you work to buy and make your kits. All of this is being done by a team of mostly volunteers, so be patient with us as we work around jobs, kids, work-schedules, and school!
Ultimately, remember that your kits reflect on your faction… so make them epic - even a simple kit can look absolutely awesome!
Executive Director, Weekend Warrior Experience
May 5th, 2021
What to expect at Weekend Warrior Training Grounds
Weekend Warrior: Training Grounds is drawing close (May 15th!) and here is what to expect:
The goal of Training Grounds is first of all to have fun! It is hard to beat a day of running around with your friends in the forest with swords! Secondly we wish to provide exposure to and instruction in various styles of weapons, fighting and tactics. This is a learning opportunity, not a competition. We will have time for skirmishing and battle competition, but if we are not learning skills we can apply in October then we are missing the point!
All of the normal rules and guidelines for Weekend Warrior in regards to armor and weapons will apply at Training Grounds. If you have not gotten your kit approved, please email pictures to contact@fellandfair.com. (Those who are renting can skip this step of course)
We recommend wearing soft/light kit for the morning portion as this will be a training period. However after lunch will be a great time to test out new or different armor combinations.
8am-9am - Check-in
9am-10am - Welcome, safety brief, introduction.
10am-12pm - Weapons exposure and training for combatants/Field Hospital training for healers.
12:30-1:30 - Lunch. We will have lunch options available for about $10 cash or a card will be accepted.
1:30-2:00 - Battle tactics overview
2:00-5:00 Skirmish and tactics practice
5:00-6:00 review and breakdown
For those camping Friday night, the property will open at 3pm on Friday for camp setup. We will be there until 5pm to help direct. Those arriving after can setup at the designated locations (marked by flags)
For those camping Saturday, you may set up after the Training Grounds event.
Property must be vacated by 12pm on Sunday.
Please Note: Unlike at the main event, Weekend Warrior will not be present or responsible for overnight camping. The property we are using is a private campground and you must follow their rules and guidelines.
Those of you who have purchased your tickets can expect further details as we draw closer to the event.
If you have not purchased tickets, they are still available!
April 10th, 2021
Event and Rules Updates!
As you know every year in order to improve our event we collect feedback from players and staff and make changes accordingly. We hope to improve across the board every year, but it helps us to put special focus on a few things as well.
Focused Improvements
This year there are some things we are especially working on:
Making the cultural/equipment difference between the Sea Lords and Hearth-Guard more clear. This can be difficult among Rangers, Sea Lords and Hearth-Guard as there are only so many brands/designs available especially for leather armor and helmets, but this is improving every year.
Improving the economic flow of Bloodcoin, increasing the amount in circulation and having more ways to earn/spend it.
Continuing to increase side quests in number and scope.
Creating greater consequences/motivation for winning battles and clarifying objectives.
Group Goals
There are also things you can do to help us and the event! Our overall costume quality has dramatically increased the last few years, now we want to focus on some additional things! This year we are especially encouraging players to:
Buy/Rent a tent for in-game camping
Acquire and wear a helmet in battle
Make appropriate faction flags, banners and pennants to fly in your camp!
We are working to make all these things more affordable for you. Stand by for more information to come!
Rules Changes
As always we tweak the rules for more balanced and enjoyable gameplay.
Archers will now be allowed to shoot into shield walls, arc arrows and shoot at area targets.
The max armor points total is being changed from 5 to 4 UNLESS you wear a helmet in which case it goes back up to 5. (you can still have 5 points of armor on without a helmet, but you only get that last point if you wear a helmet). Think of it like in a video game when you equip a backpack it enables you to carry more items. When you wear a helmet, it allows you to count more armor. We are doing this specifically to motivate people in the shield wall to wear helmets as they are now more exposed to headshots because of the new archery rules! Helmets are considered any aesthetically approved steel helmet that is appropriate for your faction. (coifs and leather caps do not count, fiberglass/resin is not allowed anyway). Low-cost helmet rentals will be available at the event.
Removable/modular/screw-on arrowheads are no longer allowed. All arrowheads must be permanently affixed to the shaft.
Upon check-in, all bows will be tested for draw-weight. A marking will no longer count as proof of draw weight. Remember the max draw weight is #35.
Rules Clarifications
We are always tweaking things and want to make them as easy to understand as possible:
Modern takedown/fiberglass bows will not be allowed. If you have questions on this, pleas email contact@fellandfair.com . Bows should appear made of natural materials and of historical designs.
Just because an item is in a category that is approved for your faction (for example “plate armor”) it does not mean that all plate armor is approved. It still must follow the faction aesthetic.
Just because you brought an item to a previous event does not mean it is automatically approved. If in doubt, email again.
Other Announcements:
2021 Faction Command Staff Casting: Your faction command teams for this year!
Commander: Aaron Dyer - Justicar Marious Rayne
2nd: Samantha Wagner - Kestrel
Commander: Sheila Avellino - Fray Commander Tove
2nd: Taylor Edwards - Fray Captain Wulf
Commander: Caleb Campbell - Captain Brandis
2nd: Lilly Parker - Captain Lillian
Sea Lords
Commander: Meg Sanders - Commodore Kytheria
2nd: Justin Richards - Captain Allanon
The Order
Commander: Ron Newcomb - Brother Killian
Other Notables:
Game Runner: Zan Campbell - Earl Torvin
Questmaster: Ryan O’shaughnessy - Lord Rook
April 2nd, 2021
New Mini Event!
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a single day “mini event” on Saturday, May 15th in Williamston, South Carolina.
Weekend Warrior: Training Grounds will be a mostly-immersive event based around your character being sent to a training camp to increase their combat skills. This will be a great event for returning players looking to enhance their skill set, or for new or potential players looking to test the waters and get a feel for what combat at Weekend Warrior is like.
The Event will run from 9am to 6pm with a 1-hour lunch break.
Unlike our main Weekend Warrior event, Training Grounds will be less story driven and more skills based. We will focus on training and exposure to a variety of weapons in the morning and will teach and practice battle tactics in the afternoon. However, while at the event we will be in character, so prepare to learn how to play your role!
Meals will not be provided, but we will have a food truck on site for lunch.
Tickets will be $60. This covers admission only.
Camping will be available on-site for both Friday and Saturday night for the cost of $12 per person per night. Porta Johns will be available but no showers or electricity.
For this one-day event, weapon rentals are free. Basic costume rentals will be $20 for the day.
All normal Weekend Warrior rules and policies apply.
Our hope is that many folks who are considering Weekend Warrior but are not ready to take the plunge will join us for a little taste of the event. We also expect there will be quite a few veteran players there to set an example for the new recruits!
Space is limited so sign up soon! Tickets go on sale Monday, April 5th.
We look forward to this being the first of many smaller Weekend Warrior events.
October 12th, 2020
As you know earlier this month we released the guidelines we would be putting in place for this years event. One of those measures is recommending masks when not able to social distance. You will also NEED a mask if you are going to be healed on the battlefield! As with all things at Weekend Warrior, all visible masks must be period appropriate. We wanted to share some simple ideas on how to accomplish that task: you will first see here as series starting with a very simple mask, the same kind we have used for years in our photoshoots. This is very simple, cheap and easy to take on and off. Next is a mask we integrated into a helmet to work in the same way a face shield does. Last you will see a mask we integrated into a hood. All of these are comfortable and easy to wear for extended periods during battle. They can also be worn over modern masks if desired. As always if you have questions send us and email at contact@fellandfair.com!
October 5th, 2020
Healing Rules Update
We have made some slight adjustments to this year’s healing rules in order to better follow guidelines regarding COVID. Our main goal is to reduce contact with members of other factions throughout the event in accordance with our “bubble” system.
As in the past, in order to be healed in battle you must have a bandage applied by a medic or healer, then have that bandage removed after the appropriate amount of time. As of 2020, in order for a bandage to be applied, both healer and wounded/dead warrior must be wearing a mask.
Bandages my only be applied by healers or medics of your own faction.
This year healers will spend more time “in the field” with the rest of their faction rather than at a central location. This will keep people from multiple factions congregating as much during large battles.
Healers will each be issued with a set number of hour glasses. They may not heal more people at once than they have hourglasses. More hour glasses may be earned.
Healing drafts can be obtained by healers by completing certain missions/quests. Healing drafts are instant heals as soon as taken. These drafts can be traded or issued to your faction. No healer needs to be present to take a draft.
As always, these rules are subject to change as we use our best judgement to conduct the event safely.
Masquerade - Night of the Unseen!
In the early years of the Kingdom of Olaran, the not so distant terror of the Dark Elves still lingered. Before men were free in their own kingdom, they were subject one night a year to unspeakable terror as the Dark Elves used them for their cruel rituals. Thus it has become tradition to hide one’s face if wandering abroad on this evening lest you be identified as human, and a possible victim. Centuries later the fear of the Dark Elves had faded but the tradition lives on. Rather than fear and pain, The Night of the Unseen is now a kingdom wide holiday celebrating the freedom to roam the night. The traditions of wearing masks (over the upper face/eyes) is still kept up by many although they are meant more to show one’s status and enthusiasm for the festivities.
Players are encouraged to acquire a Venetian style masquerade mask, for the festivities on Saturday evening October 31st (Halloween). They should appear to be made of natural materials such as fabric, leather, plaster or metal.
September 15th, 2020
Let it be declared on this day, that Weekend Warrior 2020 is officially a go!
After continued analysis of the evolving situation, we have made a decision to move forward with this year's Weekend Warrior Experience... with some modifications.
We have delayed making the official call as we wanted to observe both the practices and the results of similar events and organizations such as water parks, summer camps, schools and faires. We are now as confident as we can be that we can conduct Weekend Warrior while taking reasonable precautions without compromising the integrity of the event. Outdoor events/activities have been hugely successful and are far and above the most safe way to socialize during this time.
We have followed, and will continue to follow, the local guidelines. As such, there will be a few modifications to this year's event. In addition to the normal recommendations like avoiding unnecessary physical contact, and not sharing food, drinks etc... we are implementing the following:
Weather permitting all of our feasting will be done outdoors to allow for greater distance and a complete open-air environment.
Engaging with your faction (especially at meals) puts one in pretty close proximity, so we will be encouraging faction "bubbles". Basically socialize within your faction or practice social distancing.
If you engage with people outside the faction we encourage people to maintain at least 6 feet, if that distance cannot be maintained, then we recommend donning a period appropriate mask.
Each Faction will have its own designated bathroom (4 total) and portajohn.
There will be additional sanitation stations throughout the event area as well.
All food will be served by catering staff who will be wearing masks and gloves.
We will be conducting temperature checks at sign-in. Players will also have to sign a waiver saying they don't have COVID symptoms as well as an extra liability waiver.
If someone exhibits and/or develops symptoms they will be required to leave.
If you are developing symptoms or have been inclose contact with a confirmed case within 14 days of the event, please cancel your ticket and have us hold it to next yer (see earlier update) and do not attend.
You will see that these are all in accordance with the WHO guidelines.
We are excited to have you this year Warriors! Our team looks forward to another memorable chapter in the Weekend Warrior Story!
Please contact us if you have any further questions!
August 11th, 2020
We want to keep you all updated on our current plans as the Coronavirus situation continues to develop. You can see other details including our cancelation/refund policy in previous "updates".
Our team will be making the final go/no-go call on September 15th, but unless something dramatically changes, we are a go!
We will be making the final call on what requirements will be vs. what will be suggested based on the COVID situation closer to the event, so everything here is very much in flux.
Our staff will be outfitted with period-appropriate PPE and we will be encouraging players to acquire period-appropriate masks and gloves s. Whether they will be required or just suggested is yet to be determined. If it is enforced, we will probably have in-game consequences for breaking the mask rules.
We will essentially be creating "bubbles" among the factions. Players will eat and camp with their factions, but intentionally distance with others unless wearing a mask. It is impossible to maintain social distance the whole event, so we will try to simply reduce interactions.
All meal prep and serving will be done by staff in masks and gloves. Factions will eat in their “bubbles”.
Battle rules likely will not change, as in most cases, weapons keep opposing players at a distance.
Bathrooms with soap and hand sanitizer will be readily available.
We will be conducting temperature checks at sign-in. Players will also have to sign a waiver saying they don't have COVID symptoms as well as an extra liability waiver.
As far as we know, only NY currently has a travel restriction to SC (alongside 34 other states) requiring a 14 day self quarantine upon return. However this could be removed before October 30th.
If someone exhibits and/or develops symptoms they will be required to leave.
If you are developing symptoms or have been inclose contact with a confirmed case within 14 days of the event, please cancel your ticket (see earlier update) and do not attend.
This is new for all of us! We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to make wise and well-informed decisions.
July 26th, 2020
Warriors! We wanted to give you a quick update regarding our refund policy given the current situation with COVID-19. While we are full steam ahead at the moment (making adjustments for the appropriate precautions). We have had questions regarding tickets in the event Weekend Warrior 2020 is canceled or if the participant cannot travel due to the virus.
If the situation dramatically worsens and we choose to cancel the event, we will credit your ticket to next year. If you need a refund instead, simply send send us an email at contact@fellandfair.com and we will issue that refund.
If you cannot attend due to travel restrictions, we will do the same thing, credit or refund you. However, you MUST email us at contact@fellandfair.com to let us know you are unable to attend BEFORE the event begins.
In either case, if you are able to postpone your ticket to 2021 rather than request a refund, it would be very helpful. The events of 2020 have increased our costs and strain our already tight budget. So while we will honor last minute refund requests, it will strain us as there are many non-refundable purchases we must make to accommodate everyone.
We put this event on because we love the adventures we have and the community we can enjoy them with. Dozens of volunteers give thousands of hours to make Weekend Warrior happen, so we will do whatever we can to put on a great adventure despite the added difficulties. Thanks everyone, we look forward to seeing you in October!
July 6th, 2020
Weekend Warriors, as you may have noticed, a noisome plague has descended upon our shores from a distant land and is currently wreaking havoc on our fair Olaran. The COVID-19 Pandemic has disrupted our way of life in every possible regard. We have no way of knowing how the pandemic might progress or dissipate by October, and it is a difficult task to respond to an evolving public health situation in real time, but as of July 6th, 2020, we are still planning to host Weekend Warrior at Lindsey Plantation in Taylors, SC on the weekend of October 30th–November 1st, 2020.
We will be following the advice of medical professionals and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in incentivizing social distancing measures, open air, outdoor activities, and the use of cloth face coverings if recommended at the time.
We will continue to update our community on the evolving public health situation insofar as it affects our ability to return to our beloved Olaran this October. We appreciate your patience as we work to balance the expectations of our community with our commitment to public health. We can’t wait to welcome you back to Olaran!
September 16th. 2019
Welcome letters have gone out to everyone who has signed up for the 2019 event! Included is A LOT of information, so be sure to read it carefully. Also included is a letter from Olaran with details that may interest new and veteran players alike. Keep an eye out for more of these letters as the event draws closer!
A new section was added to our lore page! We’re trying to get as much published as possible before the event. We are doing our best to make sure that each piece is perfected before releasing them, so we really appreciate your patience. Check them out here.
September 7th, 2019
NEW LORE PAGE! We know that our players have been asking for more information about our kingdom, the world, its cultures, and so much more. We definitely plan to answer these questions. Some will be discovered through the events, but you can look at the lore and story we recently added. We will have more published before this year’s event!
There have been more costume building videos posted! As we get closer to this year’s event, you may want to take a look at our quick tips on easy ways to elevate you character and garb with a few small touches. Watch them here!
July 25th, 2019
Fabric colors have been updated! Each faction has recommended colors for clothing, these have been updated for fabric availability on each faction’s page.
A new leader has arisen! Ryan O’shaughnessy is our new Ranger faction leader. The veteran leader Jesse Huff has scheduling conflicts and will make an appearance if possible! But he leaves the Rangers in good hands!
A new page on costume building is live! These video resources should be helpful when outfitting your kit! See it here!
November 26th, 2018
2019 Tickets are available! More information to come. Sale price will last until February 1st, 2019.
November 23rd, 2018
Thanks to all of you who participated in our Weekend Warrior survey! This is one of the best tools for us to find ways to improve your event experience! We listened to your reviews and saw a couple of common trends that we will be working on in the future. The biggest ones are:
Rules/enforcement: As with any game in which humans participate there will be issues with rules and people understanding them and abiding by them. There were also several things brought up by your comments that we did not see at the game or did not anticipate as potential issues areas. We will be doing a rules review with the goal of making them easier to understand and arbitrate.
Food: Quantity and some quality issues. We will be working with the EastWind staff to make sure they serve larger quantities of food and that it is all of equally enjoyable. Like you, we paid well for this service and expect to see improvement as we progress.
More “side quests”/extra role play opportunities, especially in the evenings: We will be doing our best to add more items/characters/events to interact with throughout the event.
There are several other small tweaks and improvements will will be making from story to campsite issues!
We appreciate your understanding and help as we work on these areas and others. We have no desire to be “just like other events” and in fact hope not to to be. So that means we are having to innovate in some unique ways to create an original and fun experience! Remember that all the Weekend Warrior staff and NPCs from top to bottom are volunteers! Every penny you pay for your ticket goes to improving your experience, but there are only so many things we can do at a time! We are fans too and love this event as much as you. We are willing to put in a ton of effort on top of our normal jobs to make it happen. So every bit of help you give in the form of support, spreading the word, feedback and encouragement goes a long way!
July 31st, 2018
Rules for Healers and Medics! We have updated and expanded on the roles and rules for Healers and Medics. We have also added to the FAQs.
July 16th, 2018
New Items in the Store! We have added a large number of items to the Weekend Warrior Store! Including some armor options, arrows and more!
July 9th, 2018
Vendor Applications! Calling all artisans and craftsman! If you would like a chance to sample your wares, apply to be a vendor. We are looking for shops that fit into our world with products that our players can use in game. Find the application here at the bottom of the Main Page!
Introducing Your Leaders! At the bottom of each faction page is now a small introduction to your faction leaders. More information about their stories will become available soon!
Building a Squad! Squads, crews, units, and legions are now much easier to create. Simply find 4 or more friends in your faction, come up with a name, draft a heraldry, and send us the info to contact@fellandfair.com so we can get you approved. There are no extra fees needed!
Paint Codes! The paint codes are finally up on the faction pages at the bottom of the "Arm Yourself Properly" section. You can blame Thomas for the delay. He is truly the worst.