The Story Continues


The History

Our story takes place in the human kingdoms in the north-east lands of Adrasil. Olaran was unified by the great king Alirion centuries ago, but in recent years civil war and rebellion have split the kingdom.

This year, players will choose a faction, each of which is striving to protect their own interests, as well as the interests of those they represent.

The Hearth-Guard have established their own realm and named it “The Hearthlands” while the Sea Lords have claimed their ancient realm of Throi by rebelling against the Kingdom of Olaran. The Kingdom of Olaran is now split with internal conflict, with the Rangers supporting the Regency Government, while the Kingsmen back their own king. For now, the Order of Luminos supports the cause of the people and fights alongside the Rangers, while the Themisians support their ancient allies, the Sea Lords. Holding firm to their alliance, the Wold Folk fight alongside the Kingsmen, hoping to preserve their ancient tribal territory.

In this cinematic setting, you will have the chance to immerse yourself into a gritty, realistic fantasy world and explore it with your friends... and enemies!

Remember, this is a war game: while diplomacy may help shift alliances or gain favor with neutrals, universal peace seems a long way away…

The Story So Far

Recent Events:

Weekend Warrior 2024

(Year of Light 1124)

There are few navigable paths through the dense woods of the Wicca Wold, and historically there is only one on which large armies can battle. The Hay Barn wayside tavern that stand near this path used to be seldom used, but now are on the frontier of war…

The Kingsmen have faced bitter strife in their realm since the death of King Osric eight years ago, but they rejoice in the third year of the reign of their new king Bryce, and plan to end this war of rebellion with a decisive attack against Throi while the Hearth-Guard are far away in their own lands.

The Order has found itself at odds with the Kingsmen and temporarily allied with Throi, but Killian has not pushed for his claim to the throne of Olaran, rather continuing his work to bring justice to all lands with the help of the Order of Luminos.

The Healers Guild has set up camp again at The Hay Barn, and have been joined by scholars from Oxfrith Academy, who wish to use this meeting of many realms to further their knowledge.

With Commodore Hvitserk gone on a secret mission to the cold northern lands known as the “Barrens,” Captain Andar Brimwulf has been named Commodore of the Sea Lord fleet, and has assembled some of Throi's most capable warriors and healers in preparation to defend their lands once more.

While Commander Brandis has been recalled to the Ranger Conclave to address the growing tension among the members of the Olar alliance, he has raised Captain Tiergan O’Dale to the rank of Commander and sent him to lead the Ranger forces in the Wicca Wold.

The Themisian forces have begun a lucrative trade with their new Throian allies, and already their trade ships ply the waters between the two realms. Now they seek to aid their Throian allies, and to broker new deals with the other powers of the land.

The Wold Folk are once again caught up in the fighting between the realms. With their new alliance with the Kingsmen, forged through the marriage of their Chief Rollo with the Reeve of the Kingsmen, they stand ready to fight, though uncertain of what lies in store for the future of their tribes…

For the full story of the 2024 event and all our other past events, click here.

Weekend Warrior 2023

(Year of Light 1123)

The year following the triple coronation at the Thornwood was one of steady borderland battles…

The realm of Olaran was fighting a war on both fronts as it strove to regain the territory lost to it when Throi and the Hearthlands rebelled in the Year of Light 1121…

The Sea Lords held the waterways, seas, and channels, and the Hearth-Guard were fortifying the Hearthlands. Deciding to take the fight to their enemies, the combined Olar forces planned a daring venture and sent an army of Kingsmen and Rangers north, seeking to drive the war into the Wold Wood - the large forested area to the south and east of the Grimmock Mountains - right at the edge of the territory held by the Sea Lords of Throi.

Hearing rumors of this planned invasion from her spies, Admiral Kaiþera sent a messenger to the Hearthlands, calling for aid. She then gathered all the forces at her command, and hastened to head off the Olar army. King Torvin joined the army, bringing all the sailors he could gather from Thriese, Throi’s capital city.

In the middle of the Wicca Wold, the Sea Lords met the forces hastening up from the Hearthlands - led by Queen Tove herself. Two of the three Hearth-Guard Jarls had likewise joined the army, leaving one behind to guard their lands. The armies had scarce time for a greeting, before the Olar forces were seen moving through the woods. As night fell, all three armies fortified their encampments, and a temporary truce was brokered by the Heralds Guild and Order of Luminos for the Night of the Unseen - the yearly autumnal festival held throughout the lands that were once under Olaran’s control.

Night fell and a cold wind blew in a gusts of light rain that misted the many lines of tents with a fine drizzle. Torches sputtered, and warriors drew their hoods over their heads and gathered round their campfires…

For more information on the past events of Weekend Warrior click here.

Weekend Warrior 2022

(Year of Light 1122)

The autumn moon rode high in the sky, and the Night of the Unseen approached, the free realms of Throi and the Hearthlands planned a reckless endeavor…

Using the truce-time of the feast, a small force from each realm traveled speedily, and in secret, to the Mead Hall in the Thornwood - a location still held neutral by the Order of Luminos, and the Heralds Guild…

This area had long been held sacred to the Olar crown, as legend has it that it was at the location where the Mead Hall now stands that the first king, Alirion, was crowned. However, the mission was so secret that even the warriors on the expedition didn’t seem to know the intended plan.

Unfortunately for these realms, the forces of the Olaran also heard of the movement, and when the blue and red-clad armies arrived, the Olar forces were there ahead of them - though they were only able to summon a part of their force in the time allowed.

The armies made camp on separate sides of the great Mead Hall, warily watched by the Heralds Guild and the Order of Luminos, who feared that the animosity between the realms would be too strong to maintain the truce…

For more information on the past events of Weekend Warrior click here.

Weekend Warrior 2021

(Year of Light 1121)

With the death of the last king of Olaran, the treaty tying the Sea Lords to the realm was nullified. Duke Killian’s dismissal from the council still rankled the Hearth-Guard, who now demanded land for their growing tribe. The Kingsmen and Rangers strove to keep order and protect a realm under threat. The four factions agreed to meet together once again to try and broker a peace, choosing to do so the day after the Archdeacon’s Truce had ended.

Under a stormy sky, the negotiators met. But the needs of each faction conflicted too strongly with the demands of the others, and it seemed that a peaceful solution was impossible, at least for the present. The Hearth-Guard and Sea Lords allied once again, this time each declaring themselves a sovereign nation, outside of Olaran’s control. Opposite them, the Kingsmen and Rangers fought alongside each other on Olaran’s behalf, seeking to uphold the realm and the rule of the Throne’s Council.

After days of fighting, the realm seemed no closer to unity… the rebellion had firmly taken root.

For more information on the past events of Weekend Warrior click here.

Weekend Warrior 2020

(Year of Light 1120)

After days of conflict over Duke Killian’s claim to the regency and the finding of a blade believed to be the Sword of Hope, a truce was established to return to Olaran. After a few weeks of preparation, the Sea Lord ships embarked the rest of the army and the several month voyage to Olaran was accomplished.

Duke Killian has laid aside the command of the Hearth-Guard in order to pursue his claim to the regency and possible the throne in accordance with Olar law. But the Duke is looked upon in a less than favorable light at the moment. How will the forces of Olaran react to his claim and possible ascendance to the most powerful seat in the Kingdom?

For more information on the past events of Weekend Warrior click here.

Weekend Warrior 2019

(Year of Light 1119)

This year's Weekend Warrior event will follow closely upon the events of Weekend Warrior 2018. In the climactic battle at the end of the event, Earl Torvin’s forces, the Sea Lords and Kingsmen, defeated Duke Killian and prevented his army from reaching the coast and the ships that could take them back to Olaran where the Duke plans to stake his claim as regent.

The Sea Lords and Kingsmen have established a base and are debating the best corse of action. Duke Killian with the Rangers and Hearth-guard have withdrawn a short way and also consider their options. New ships have also arrived with reinforcements and news from Olaran. How these newcomers will change the course of events is still unknown.

Little progress has been made in the search for the sword of hope. Will the factions continue the search? Or will war interfere?

For more information on the past events of Weekend Warrior click here.
