
The Kingsmen are the guardians of the lore and people of Olaran. They serve to uphold unity of Olaran by championing her laws and statutes. They also protect the nobility, and serve as the guard for many important individuals of the realm.


Who Are They?

When King Alirion founded the realm of Olaran, he called on nobles of the realm to forsake their titles and serve the realm with their strength and wisdom. Eight nobles answered this call: four lords and four ladies. Together they founded the Kingsmen Academy in the the capital city of Olaran. There they educate likeminded heroes, who serve the kingdom as royal guards, administrators of the kingdom, protectors, and educators. Many of the highest houses send their best and bravest children to serve in the capitol as squires. Once they pass through the doors of the Academy, a young Kingsmen sacrifices their hereditary titles and rights, seeking only the good of the Kingsdom. There, they are educated by scholars from all over Adrasil, and steeped in the ceremony and protocol of the court. These chosen few often act as the judge and jury for many small towns in crisis. But most importantly, Kingsmen are the last thing that stands between the kingdom of Olaran's doom when all else fails. 

Their Culture and Look

Emblem: Crossed swords and Crown

Culture: Based on 12th-14th century Burgundian knights, they exemplify chivalry and martial prowess. They are used to defend the crown and its interests and form an elite fighting unit in battle. They prefer to fight in fixed battle and one-on-one chivalrous duals.

Equipment: Their colors are yellow-gold with accents in white, black, silver, and gray. (Details on colors in sections below) If they wear armor, it is chainmail, steel plate and black leather. For helmets, the Kingsmen wear steel nasal, kettle and great helms. They can also have black and brown leather kit accessories.

*** Please note that players MAY NOT wear the primary colors of another faction***

Note: all kits, weapons, and in-game accessories must be approved by faction leadership. Please email and include links and photos.

Check out the video below for tips on how to put together a Kingsmen kit.

Arm Yourself Properly

The Kingsmen are charged with the protection of important individuals and places all over Adrasil. To this end, they arm themselves so that they may withstand any assault. They most often use equipment such as:

  • Gold - Use the Hyperlink to purchase fabric.

  • Paint code is Olympic Honeycomb Flat SW 6375

  • White - Use the Hyperlink to purchase fabric.

  • Black - Use the Hyperlink to purchase fabric.

  • Grey - Use the Hyperlink to purchase fabric.

Follow the Leader

As tensions in Olaran’s political realm continued to escalate, Reeve Marrius sent Justicar Kestrel to lead the Kingsmen in the field, while he stayed in the capital of Olaran to keep peace and order in the realm. Kestrel’s new focus lies in preserving the unity of the Kingdom of Olaran; she believes that the Kingsmen, driven by their ancient code and following in the footsteps of their founders, are uniquely positioned to advise and observe the ruling nobility in this time of political turmoil.

The second child of an Eo noble house, Kestrel was drawn to the honor, integrity, and dignity inherent in the order of the Kingsmen. At a young age she left her family’s home and enrolled as a student at the Academy. While there, she developed deep friendships with her fellow students and gained a reputation as a strong warrior with a diplomatic perspective. Her passion and desire to serve drove her to excellence in both her scholastic and her martial studies (it was during her time at the academy that she befriended the Kingswoman Vinette).

After her training at the academy concluded, Kestrel served as a guard along the southern border of Olaran for several years gaining combat experience and earning the rank of Captain. Upon returning to the capital, she taught at the academy focusing on Philosophy, diplomacy, and other classes dedicated to the virtues of strength and wisdom. When her friend Vinette was granted a noble title— Kestrel offered to serve her as both guard and advisor. Realizing the dire need for an elite guard to the crown, Kestrel resurrected the long-forgotten order: The Shield of the Just. These warriors, generally called “Shields,” swore additional oaths to protect the honor, strength, and wisdom of Olaran’s ruling class - while offering their lives as protection for the kingdom’s law-makers. The Shields unique position on the right hand of the nobility make discretion, discernment, and personal integrity compulsory qualities. As the captain of this group, Kestrel now serves as the primary guard to her friend Vinette. She, and her fellow knights, are uniquely positioned to advise and observe the ruling nobility in this time of political turmoil.

As tensions in Olaran’s political realm continued to escalate, she was asked to leave her position at the Academy and assume a position of Commander directly beneath Justicar Marrius. While she still maintains oversight of the Shields, she has promoted a new captain to continue the work of the guard. Her new focus lies in preserving the unity of the Kingdom of Olaran; she believes that the Kingsmen, driven by their ancient code and following in the footsteps of their founders, are uniquely positioned to advise and observe the ruling nobility in this time of political turmoil.

Promoted by King Bryce to the position of Reeve in YL 1124, she continues to lead the Kingsmen with fervor and courage.

Samantha Wagner has served as the Kingsmen leader since 2022, after joining the event in 2019.

Ser Leoric Grayson was the eldest son born to a merchant house in the Thornwood, while he had attended the Kingsmen Academy as a youth he had always planned to take over the family timber business when the time came. War came to his home in the Thornwood and honor compelled him to enlist to defend the Crown. First joining the Rangers, he didn't hesitate to join the Kingsmen when King Bryce was found to be the heir. Often times referred to as a silverfox with a silvertongue, he has used his connections from his times travelling as a timber merchant to serve as an advisor to the crown, Master of Knowing, and a professor at the Kingsmen Academy. After years of service to the crown in this capacity, King Bryce has named him High Steward of Olaran to further assist in the stabilization of the realm with the absence of the High Council of Olaran and the Ranger Faction.


Out of game, Patrick has been attending Weekend Warrior since 2021 and enjoys nothing more than being surrounded by friends old and new with mutual interests and talking for hours about it.