Olaran and the Surrounding Realms…
Before the succession crisis and the ensuing civil war, Olaran had been in a relative peace for the past few decades. One exception was the kingdom’s conflict with its southern neighbor, the Kingdom of Goltha. A series of military encounters, small invasions and counter invasions have only come to a conclusion a few years prior to the events of the current game.
As a player it is up to you to decide who you want to be and how you choose to interact with the world around you. To start, the world we are playing in is called Adrasil, and specifically a Kingdom called Olaran, which, until recently, was a unified human kingdom. After recent events, the kingdom has split into three - The lands to the north of the Grimmock Mountains, as well as parts of Raven, have been taken over by the Sea Lords who have raised the ancient banner of the Realm of Throi. The Hearth-Guard have taken the lands at the southern base of the Fire Mountains, including much of Murnock and some of Lannock. The rest of the kingdom remains Olar. The original kingdom was broken down into nine distinct regions, all of which have their own subtle culture and influence on the people who live there. These regions or provinces will be listed at the end of this section for reference.
After looking through the regions, try and think of where your character might be best suited to live. Now that the kingdom is split into three, it may make sense for your character to come from a region controlled by your faction. However, because the realm split so recently, it could be part of your backstory that you had to flee your home and move because of the civil war.
Next decide if you live in a city, a village or perhaps a more bohemian lifestyle. In each region there are major cities of importance that have some details you can work, but do not be afraid to create something of your on within reason. Like any real world map there are hundreds of towns and villages in between what you see marked on a map, so if you don’t find something to your liking try flexing your creative muscles a bit and building your own little town. (It should be noted here similar rules apply in this case to those stated in the introduction. A players backstory is flavor for roleplay and will not affect the story or world of Adrasil beyond their own experience.)
Finally, add some personal details and flare to make your character unique. Giving them a family or group of people who they grew up with helps deepen the narrative you will create and only adds to the immersion of the world. And while heroic deeds and epic adventures are all well and good, try and find some tragedy or even character flaws that make your character more well rounded.
Below is a section detailing each of the regions of Olaran and their function in the kingdom overall, as well as notes about which areas are now outside of Olar rule.
The map below was current as of YL1122, but does not reflect the changes after the Third Battle of the Thornwood.
The Three Realms
In the Year of Light (YL) 1121, the Sea Lords left Olaran, citing the end of their contract with the kingdom after the death of the last king. The Rangers and Kingsmen united in an attempt to stop the Sea Lords leaving the realm, and the Sea Lords enlisted the Hearth-Guard as allies with the promise of aid via river barges and navigational knowledge.
In the year following, the Hearth-Guard took most of Lannock and Murnock (see details below) and created a new realm, which they named “The Hearthlands.” The Sea Lords claimed the ancient name of “Throi” for their realm, which is currently composed of all of the region of Grimmock, as well as portions of the Borderlands and Raven. In YL 1122 during the Third Battle of the Thornwood, the city of Grimhold fell to the Sea Lords, ending a months-long siege. Shortly after the battle, returning Hearth-Guard warriors took and sacked the Temple of Luminos in the heart of the Fire Mountains.
The borders are currently fluid, as battles rage up and down the realm, with the Kingsmen and Rangers attempting to retake the territories once belonging to the crown of Olaran, while the two new realms struggle to maintain their borders.
Olaran (Capital of the Kingdom of Olaran)
Known For:
The founding province of Olaran, it contains the Kingdom’s capital city - Olaran.
Key Households:
Royal house of O'Reyne - The ruling house of Olaran, whose last king, Randar, was the final linear descendant of his house. When he died, his line died with him, though it lives on in some distant cousins, and, as the Kingsmen and Rangers claim, in his (purported) brother Bryce.
Generally a region of plains and grasslands, with a small region of forests on its western border near the Fire Mountains. Its eastern border is the Keldaran River.
The majority of the province consists of farmlands that produce grain. The capital city is a trade hub due to its access to the Keldaran River, on which resources and goods are shipped between the northern lands of the Kingdom, neighboring Arkadia to the east, and Goltha to the south. A majority of the wealth in the region is due to taxes collected from the other 8 Provinces. It is the political center to the Kingdom of Olaran.
Major Cities:
Olaran - The Capital City of the Kingdom of Olaran, this vast city is surrounded by walls on all sides, and has some of the highest towers in the kingdom. It is a trade hub for the kingdom’s goods that are shipped along the Keldaran River.
Other Cities:
Delcour - A city on the Keldaran River that is a popular stop for those travelling between the Capitol and Greyton Ferry. Sometimes known as the Northern Gateway and is of strategic importance in protecting the capital. It is the sister city of Smit in the south.
Blackthorn - The westernmost city of Olaran, this city sits at the end of a small river that starts in the eastern leg of the Grimmock Mountains. It is a hub for farmers and traders from The Highlands to the west and the farmlands of Olaran to its east.
Locations of Note:
The Royal Palace - Seat of power in Olaran, houses the royal family and the Throne’s Council.
The Academy of the Kingsmen - Many of the high houses of the kingdom send their best and bravest young to serve in the capital. They begin their training at the Royal Academy of Kingsmen, where they are educated by scholars from all over Adrasil and steeped in the ceremony and protocol of the court. See Education in Adrasil for more information on the Kingsmen Academy.
Known For: As the southernmost region of Olaran, Lannock has seen much bloodshed since the unification of the Kingdom. Conflicts with Goltha and Arkadia have instilled in the people of this region a warrior spirit and a strong sense of national pride. They are the first line of defense against invasion and evidence of their combative nature can be seen in their culture and lifestyle.
Key Households:
House of the Duke of Lannock
Topography: A mix between the foothills of the Fire Mountains and fertile grasslands along the river Murnock and Keldaran River
Economy: Metalwork (due to their proximity to the Mines of Murnock), Farming, Livestock
Major Cities:
Lannock - The capital of the region of Lannock and the seat of the Duke of Lannock. A well fortified city with a strong position on the Murnock River, it works as a defensive location for locals as well as a trade town for the rest of the region.
Other Cities:
Pelo - One of the trading towns along the Keldaran River.
Bash Tiar - A strongly fortified city and a bastion of defense for all trade routes leading by river into Olaran. Known for its great fortress.
Smit - Known as the Southern Gateway, Smit is the largest trading stop on the southern Keldaran River and is the sister city of Delcour in the north.
Locations of Note:
The Fortress of Bash Tiar - One of the strongest defensive structures in all of Olaran, this fortress is the primary location for the housing and training of the army and the command center for the Hearth-Guard. Bash Tier became the capital of the Hearthlands when the Hearth-Guard rebelled in YL 1121.
Known For: The harshest and most unforgiving region in Olaran, the Borderlands are plagued with difficult weather and cold winters. The people are as resilient as they are fierce, with most of the region's history being steeped in tales of survival beyond all odds and creatures that are the stuff of nightmares roaming it’s forests and frozen lakes.
Key Households:
The House of Galduron - Descended from the regions tribal leaders, a strong house built on survival with their seat being held in the Fortress of Grimhold
Topography: Harsh land with rough, dark forests of pines. Rocky soil and inhospitable to all but the toughest of people.
Economy: Lumber and Furs
Major Cities:
Harpdale - The capital of the region as well as the only trading town.
Ki - One of the outposts across the eastern branch of the Keldaran river, it is a village for trappers and huntsmen but little else.
Ko - Another outpost similar to Ki, though more of it’s trade is centered around it’s lumber mills.
Elg - The northernmost city in Olaran, it is remote and sparsely populated. It is one of the last cities in Olaran to openly support the Old Ways with a temple of sorts being erected in its main square.
Locations of Note:
The Fortress of Grimhold - By far the most formidable stronghold in Olaran, it is set on a large hill and, as legend has it, had never been taken by an assault before the Sea Lords succesfully captied it in YL 1122. It was where the last stand of the old tribes against King Aenarion took place.
When the Sea Lords captured the citadel in YL1122 with the aid of the mysterious and powerful substance dubbed “Throian Fire,” the doors of the citadel were burned to ashes - though the rest of the city remained untouched. The Sea Lords have since erected new doors, but it is doubtful that they will ever be as strong as those originally built in ages past.
Known For: While the majority of the land in Grimmock is mountainous and nigh impassible to travelers, it’s coastline is perfect for the building of ships and seafaring peoples that call it home. It had always been one of the more independent regions due to their ability to travel beyond the seas around Olaran and beyond, and they had a strong voice in the politics and trade of Olaran.
When the Sea Lords and the Realm of Olaran failed to renegotiate a new treaty in YL 1121, the Sea Lords claimed all the lands that used to belong solely to the ancient Saelithend family of the Salt Folk (the ancient Sea Lord tribe) as their new realm. They renamed this land Throi, after the name the realm once bore. All of Grimmock joined Throi: unsurprising, considering that this region had always been more loyal to House Saelithend than it had been to the realm of Olaran.
Key Households:
House of the Earl of Throi. The ancient Saelithend family is one of the oldest in the Three Realms. It has ruled over Grimmock (now Throi) since before Olaran was unified, and rules there still.
Topography: Harsh mountains and cliffs along the coast broken up by naturally protected bays and harbors
Economy: Fishing, Ship Building, Transporting of Trade goods for other regions.
Major Cities:
Thriese - The capital of the region and the seat of power for the Earl of Throi. It is the largest port in the Three Realms and is both rich and well defended by walls and fortifications, as well as natural cliff walls.
Other Cities:
(Coming soon!)
Locations of Note:
The Sea Lord Naval Yard - The birthplace of some of the greatest seafaring vessels in all of Adrasil.
The Great Library of Thriese - the largest library in the known world, this building has a rich store of maps, foreign tales, books in many languages, and texts of great ancientry.
The Grimmock Mountains - Though not as formidable as the Fire Mountains to the south, these peaks are not to be trifled with. Scattered tribes live in the mountains, hardy folk who trace their lineage to the ancient days before Olaran was unified.
Known For:
Nestled between the Grimmock Mountains to the north and the Fire Mountains to the south, this region is one of the most peaceful and prosperous in Olaran. It’s small coastline provides it access to trade routes by sea, while its connection to the capital region provides an over land connection between Old Shire and the city of Olaran. It’s natural protection from the elements due to its mountainous surroundings has led natives to calling it the “Gift of Luminos” and it is the primary source for much of the countries crops.
Key Households:
The House of Bartron - Wealthy landowners who started as simple farmers, the Bartrons are a large family and are as generous as they are cunning.
Rich farmland with some hunting in the foothills of the mountains, as well as pleasant beaches on the coast.
Livestock and Agriculture, some fishing on the coast. Much wealth is gained by taxing the trade routes running through it.
Major Cities:
Old Shire - The capital of the region and seat of the Bartron family. A port city connected to the main overland route to the countries capital.
Millerton - A small town on the road between Old Shire and Olaran. A trading town with a small keep and stockades for defense. It is the town where trade caravans resupply before and after making the journey through the mountains.
Rivan - A village that operates as a way point for travelers on the road between Old Shire and Olaran.
Locations of Note:
The Great Pass - A key point where the Grimmock and Fire mountains come to a head, while it has been made safer over the years, it is not without its dangers.
Known For:
Raven is a strong region economically and while it is not the most prosperous in resources it has become a center of culture and art for much of the countries nobility. A beautiful if small province, it is dotted with hunting lodges and estates where the upper class spend their summers hunting and their winters banqueting. A bright gem hidden in the folds of the Grimmock Mountains, it is one of the most influential regions simple by its population of nobles, politicians, and bankers.
Some parts of Raven have come under the realm of Throi since its renewal, though it is contested ground now between the realms of Olaran and Throi. The major houses of Raven have done their best to stay out of the fight, and in general have claimed neutrality.
The High Chancellor of Olaran’s current residence is in Raven, but he has remained largely aloof from the current crises, researching the claims of the Sea Lords and the current claimant to the Olar throne.
Key Households:
The House of Eo - One of the oldest and proudest houses in all of Olaran, the Eo family are the caretakers of the province. While not holding direct power, they are skilled at providing comfort and amenities for those who seek to escape the capital and have thus are ever present in the goings on of the country.
The House of Crouchback - An ancient, yet quiet family of Raven, the most notable current member is the High Chancellor of Olaran, Sir Vannever Crouchback.
The eastern leg of the Grimmock Mountains make up the western half of Raven. The eastern half of the province is a region of dense forests that sits south of the Keldaran River.
Originally Raven was known for its gold mines before more valuable resources were discovered in Murnock. Now the province mainly uses the presence of the rich and powerful to help garner trade and economic deals as well as house political and religious gatherings.
Major Cities:
Ravenfall - The regions capitol and only major city, it has some of the most lavosh estates and manors in Olaran. Home to many of the nobility as well as the Royal Estate.
Locations of Note:
Blackwell Crossing - A major crossing point over the Keldaran River.
The Royal Estate - A palace only completed in the past few decades and a secondary location for the countries monarch to hold court.
Known For:
Greyton, like The Highlands, is a fertile province with many natural resources and farmlands available to it. The Bickerburg Hills are covered in berries and indigieuonous gathering plants while closer to the Keldaran River it’s soil is rich for the planting of tobacco. Known for throwing many festivals to celebrate Luminos, the King, and the bounty of nature, it is one of the more pleasant places to live in the kingdom.
Key Households:
The House of Aldur - A relatively new household, the Aldur family gained prominence under King Ossric during his relatively peaceful reign.
Rolling hills and pleasant valleys with a few small forests mixed in.
Tobacco, Berries and Herbs
Major Cities:
Greyton Ferry - A trading town on the Keldaran River that sprawls along the river for a few miles, known for its many taverns, pubs, and inns for weary travelers or avid alcohol enthusiasts.
Locations of Note:
The Bickerburg Hills - Rolling foothills of the Grimmock Mountains, flush with many unique flora.
The Royal Winery - The location of the ill fated Autumn Festival.
Known For:
Thornwood is a province built on hard labour and self sufficiency. Often referred to as “the Kingdom inside the kingdom” this province derives its strongly independent status through an internally strong economy and a balance of agriculture, livestock, and textiles. It is also home to the largest wineries in the kingdom and is the source of other alcohol related resources such as honey, barley, and hops. Despite their self reliance, the people of Thornwood are fiercely loyal to the Kingdom of Olaran and have ties to the royal family through various marriages throughout its history.
Key Households:
The House of Thornwood - While under one name, the House of Thornwood comprises of several noble families who have come together under one name to best benefit their people. Loyal and honorable, association with the Thornwood name is often used as a bartering tool amongst merchants and vassals alike. Their seat is actually split between the three main cities of the region providing them the benefit of oversight into almost every detail of what goes on in their province.
Farmland, with many groves of fruit trees both wild and tended by farmers.
Textiles, Wine, Beer, Mead, Cider, and various Agriculture.
Major Cities:
Norn - One of the three seats of power for the nobles who control Thornwood. The largest city, it has solid walls and a well traveled port.
So’l - Another port city built around trade, there are also some shipyards for merchant vessels and scouting ships, though no major warships are built here.
Becklin - The smallest of the three seats of power, Becklin is more of a large estate as opposed to a town. It was designed with the purpose of convening the Thornwood nobles regularly, and is therefore built to accomodate a large host. It also has a reasonable garrison as it borders the Kingdom of Goltha to the south.
Locations of Note:
The Thornwood - Though more of a collection of smaller forests as opposed to one large one, the Thornwood holds a prominent place in the ceremonies of the Old Ways. Travelers will often stumble into strange runes carved into trees or stone structures erected for unknown reasons. It is a place of ancient majesty and, for many, a place of old magic. Today that magic seems to have faded, however, with only the occasional disappearance to mar the otherwise gentle nature of the wood.
The Great Mead Hall - situated in the middle of the Thornwood, the Mead Hall was the site of the first, second, and third battles of the Thornwood (in Yl 1120, 1121, and 1122 respectively) and the coronations of the monarchs of the Three Realms in YL 1122 - King Bryce of Olaran, King Torvin of Throi, and Queen Tove of the Hearthlands. The location is importantly historically, but also strategically: the Guild of Heralds holds the neutrality of the Hall, and are aided in keeping it neutral by the help of the Order of Luminos.
Known For:
The province of Murnock is the primary source for metals and metal work in the Kingdom. It is a harsh mountainous region with many treacherous paths and difficult passes. Those who chose to live here tie their lives almost entirely to the mines for work and life, either doing the mining itself, transporting materials, or manufacturing items from the metal. Due to the value of the region it has become a habit to have a strong military presence to deter brigands or the more ambitious neighboring kingdoms from trying to take their area.
Since YL 1121, Murnock has been claimed by the Hearth-Guard as part of their new realm of the Hearthlands.
Key Households:
The House of Kelroya - Descended from the mountain folk that made the Fire Mountains their home before the unification of Olaran, this family is deeply rooted in the ruling and work in the province.
Nearly all mountains, with the limited access to the rest of Olaran
Mining, Metal work, Precious Metals and Stones
Major Cities:
Murnock - The regions capital and located near the largest mines and creating a barrier between them and the outside world.
Places of Interest:
The Mines of Murnock - The largest collection of mines and tunnels and deeply coveted by the Kingdom of Goltha to the south.
The Fire Mountains - Some of the highest and most dangerous peaks in Adrasil.
The Temple of Luminos - Set on the highest peak of the Fire Mountains, the temple of Luminos is a site only those worthy of making the difficult pilgrimage can behold. Built to be as close to Lord of Light as humanly possible, it is a testament to his worshippers devotion to him and his teachings.
In YL1122, the temple was sacked by Hearth-Guard raiders, who have now converted it to a temple to the Old Gods - something that Queen Tove took no responsibility for, and which brought consternation to the Followers of Luminos across Adrasil.