Healers and Medics


Healing Rules

All healing will be executed through role play. Once a player has received a wound, before that wound can be healed, the player must be attended by a Healer or Medic (see combat rules for information regarding receiving wounds). All wounds are removed by applying and removing a bandage. Bandages are a limited resource, so obtaining a sufficient supply will be critical to gameplay. Bandages are applied either in the field or at the field hospital. Bandages can only be removed by healers in the field hospital or on the field.



Medics are combatant players who are supplied with bandages by their faction healers. Medics are players who work for their specific faction. Please note: only The Order of Luminos and the Themisians are allowed to have medics. As a rule, if a faction has medics, then they don’t have healers (and vice versa). Medics may apply bandages in the field to wounded comrades. Medics may heal their own faction members or faction members of an allied faction.

Applying bandages has the following results:

  • Applying bandages to a disabled limb, restores the use of that limb. However the bandage must remain on that limb until removed by a healer. The armor points for that limb are not restored until the bandage is removed.

  • Applying bandages to a "mortally wounded"/dead player allows them to be "walking wounded". They cannot participate in combat until healed, and they are allowed to walk to the healers under their own power. They should role play being severely wounded until restored by the healers.

  • If no bandages are available, wounded players may be carried or assisted to the hospital by their comrades, or they can remain in the field until a healer comes to them.

  • As combatants, medics may be killed and wounded by opponents. Their medic bags (issued by the Healers Guild at Weekend Warrior) may also be looted for bandages. So keep these people alive!

  • There is a minimum allowance of five active medics at any one time, but for every ten players over 30 that a faction has signed up, they can have one more medic bag (which allows someone trained as a medic to act as one). Multiple players may be trained as medics, and step in if one is wounded.

  • All medics must attend medic training before being allowed to play the role of medics. This will occur on the first day of the event.

  • Medics must store all their bandages in their issued medic bag and must have the bag with them when acting as medics. Bandages may be looted from the bag, but the bag may not be taken from the player. An un attended medic bag may be taken and returned to the hospital for a reward.




Healers are noncombatant players who have the ability to fully restore wounded players at a hospital or in the field. Healers can only heal members of their factions - they cannot heal enemy or allied faction members, with the exception of The Order of Luminos or the Themisians. If healers are allied with these two specialized factions, they may heal members of those factions.

As a rule, if a faction has healers, it does not have medics. Factions that you may choose if you wish to be a healer are The Hearth-Guard, the Kingsmen, the Rangers, the Sea Lords, and the Wold Folk (as of 5.30.2023).

Healers are key role players at the event. They are the glue that holds us all together. As a healer, you are a noncombatant, and get to move through the different factions with immunity, gather and share information as well as help shape the course of conflict!

  • Healers may not be attacked, killed or wounded. If a player hits a healer (or other noncombatant) with their weapon, they are required to lose all health and hit points until resuscitated by a healer.

  • Healers may not assassinate other players.

  • Healers may choose to remain at the field hospital, or enter the fray to heal their faction members. Please note: if you do choose to enter the combat zone, there is a chance you may be accidentally struck! You are not a target, but battles can get chaotic!

  • By removing a bandage at a hospital or the in the field, healers restore a player to full health (and their armor points are also restored).

  • Healers will be identified with either surgical aprons or white healer's hoods, which they are required to wear on the battlefield. The official “white” (natural) cloth used by healers can be found here. No players wearing these items may be attacked. They also receive a purple badge and gold pin from the Healers Guild upon arrival.

A Healer’s Kit

Healers must abide by all normal costume guidelines, but as noncombatant they will not use armor and weapons, but rather the tools of their craft. Check out this video from Fell & Fair to see what items you may find useful!

General Notes

  • If a bandage is poorly applied and begins to come undone, that wound "reopens" and a medic or healer must fix it before that limb can be used again.

  • Bandages are an important resource, they my be obtained in the following manner: they can be found in field caches, be issued at regular intervals by the healers, be looted/traded from other/enemy medics, they can be purchased with in-game resources.

  • Medics may trade places with fellow players, however each medic is responsible for seeing their replacement properly trained before handing over their medic bag.