Weekend Warrior

The Weekend Warrior Experience

Weekend Warrior VIII October 18 - 20, 2024

The Hearthlands November 8-10, 2024

Tickets for WW 2024 are SOLD OUT!
Tickets available still for the Hearthlands!


Weekend Warrior tickets are live!

Weekend Warrior is Oct. 18-20th in Anderson, SC

Returning to Olaran, King Bryce prepares to persuade the Council of Olaran and the Church of Luminos that his claim stands, and that the people stand with him…

Commander Brandis seeks for the truth of rumors and must soon decide who has the power and will to protect the people of Olaran, as he continues to strengthen and guard the land’s borders…

Back in Thriese, King Torvin musters his forces and Admiral Kaiþera oversees the strengthening of the fleet, while Commodore Hvsitserk leads the forces at sea as they continue to harass the Olar coast…

Deep in the woods, the Wold Folk prepare to move south to safer territory, while Chieftain Rollo has revealed his clandestine marriage to none other than Justicar Kestrel of the Kingsmen…

The Themisians have cast their lot in with Throi, and now that their new allies are outnumbered by their foes, they send back to their empire for reinforcements - specialized archers who can navigate the wooded borderlands…

The Order of Luminos stands prepared to follow Killian, but what will he do? Will he press his claim to the throne of Olaran, or will he continue in his role as neutral head of the sacred order?

And in the Hearthlands, Queen Tove prepares to wisely use the peace she has brokered to increase the power of her three Jarldoms…


What is Weekend Warrior?

The Weekend Warrior Experience is a carefully crafted immersive event, designed to help you lose yourself in a detailed and fascinating adventure. Step into the world of Adrasil, a low-fantasy, medieval, human world where warring factions fight and scheme for dominance. No matter if you are an experienced medieval fighter, or have never taken up a sword in your life, this is an event where everyone's talents, skills and knowledge can be put to use!

Originally designed and run by costume and film studios Fell & Fair Productions and The Forge Studios, Weekend Warrior provides an immersive entrance into a cinematic world.

Choose to join one of seven factions inspired by historical cultures, engage in battle, enjoy fantastic medieval meals and feasts, sing battle songs by the campfire and get carried away by the adventure with your friends.

Training Grounds

Learn how to become a warrior!

Training Grounds is a single-day training event to prepare you for medieval fantasy combat! Rather than focus on immersion, Training Grounds is a great way to dip your toes into medieval combat. Not a combatant? Our team of healers will train you to get warriors back into the fight! We have multiple Training Grounds events each year! Find out all the details HERE.

 Check out footage from our recent events!


The 2024 Weekend Warrior Experience will take place in Anderson, South Carolina.

This autumn the factions reunite in the Wold Wood (or Wicca Wold as it is sometimes called). Will the Olar alliance of Kingsmen and Rangers be able remain united and push the Sea Lords back to Throi now that their Hearth-Guard allies have returned to thier home in the Hearthlands? Will the Order of Luminos make a play to replace King Bryce with their own leader, Killian? Will the Wold Folk tip the balance of the war in Olaran’s favor, or will the new forces coming from Themisia give the Sea Lords the edge they need to take the battle into Olaran?


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