Commander Samson

The “Bear of Ithacus”

Samson of Vallistown was the third son of a minor lord of Olaran. He was sent to join the Kingsmen at a young age, along with one of his brothers. Samson went through the Academy like all other Kingsmen, not excelling in any particular area. After a routine training exercise where Samson showed some skill and ability to lead, his Kingsmen Commander sent him to join Justicar Braxton on the search for the Sword of Hope.

Commander Samson, one of the few to have come back from the quest for the sword of hope, still fighting for the Kingsmen. Samson was known to have been one of Marrius Rahyn's (and the late Reeve’s) most trusted Kingsmen.

Samson is known to embody the Kingsmen virtue of Justice. He knows that Justice can be harsh and reveres and respects that burden. Knowing that Honesty can soften the blunt edge of Justice, he also tries to be fair. Yet, Samson always hunts for the truth no matter what that could entail: whether that is for the good or ill of his own faction.

Commander Samson was eager to protect and serve the Kingsmen since he first took his vows. He obeyed orders and trusted his Kingsmen command with his life. Now known as “The Bear of Ithacus,” for his brute force on the field of battle, as well as unyielding nature when serving the crown.

Commander Samson’s reputation is such that he is no longer viewed as a mere man, but a beast willing to go to whatever end to protect the King and Crown. He can always be found standing with his fellow Kingsmen in the defense of Olaran.